Sonic Antifouling

Buy A Sonic Antifouling System

benefitsSonic antifouling is considered by professionals to be the future of antifouling for a variety of reasons. The simple one-off installation required means that boat lovers can spend less time with messy paints and more time enjoying life on the water. Your sonic antifouling system will quickly pay for itself if you consider the costs saved of the lift in and out of the water. Further more – no holes will need to be drilled in the hull.

Go To The Product Selector To Find The Appropriate Sonic Solution For Your Boat

The sonic antifouling system, Ultra 10 (for boats up to 10m) or Ultra 20 (for boats up to 20m) just needs to be bonded to the inside of the hull, using a pre-threaded fixing ring. The transducer is then simply screwed into the ring and the cable run to the control box. The control box is attached by 4 screws to any bulkhead leaving you to connect to a power source – either mains or DC.

Your hull will remain clear of growth and therefore allow you to maintain your maximum speed. It will also help to keep clear all those underwater areas that are critical to the performance of your boat.. ie speed log impellors, water intakes for engine and aircon units, props and running gear.

Save on your fuel costs

Make substantial fuel savings, particularly for motor boats. Pushing a heavily fouled hull through the water takes considerably more power than a clean one which has much less resistance. It can take up to 20% more fuel to push a dirty hull through the water. An Ultrasonic antifoul system will pay for itself!

Green Antifouling

You’ll be doing your bit as there are no pollutants associated with this method of preventative antifouling. It is also completely harmless to humans and animals.

How do I choose which Ultra I need?

There are two sizes available, the Ultra 10 which is suitable for boats with a waterline length of up to 10 metres. This is supplied with one transducer and is suitable for both sail and power boats.

The Ultra 20 is suitable for boats with a waterline length of up to 20 metres and comes with two transducers, which should be sited equidistantly along the centreline of the hull within reason. This unit is also highly suitable for catamarans.

The main consideration is the waterline length when choosing the correct model for your boat. The siting of the transducers is very straightforward as they are fixed to a convenient place on the inside of the boat’s hull.

All units are available in either DC (12-32 volts) or AC (100-240 volts) and now the Smart switching Dual voltage system.