The benefits of using UltraSonic Antifouling’s advanced technology to prevent fouling

A Clear Hull…

  • Prevent blockages to maintain raw water flow to engines and other essential on-board systems.
  • Save on maintenance: reduce need to clean our filter baskets and shut-down system to clean and unblock pipework and manifolds.
  • Maintain efficiency of box coolers and reduce cleaning frequency of tube bundles and sea chest box.
  • No galvanic action: just ultrasonic sound waves, so will work on aluminium piping more prone to galvanic corrosion with anode systems.
  • Maintenance free: compared to Cathelco system requires anodes replacing
  • Long life: transducers are guaranteed for five-years, but will provide protection for over 10 years.
  • Simple Installation: All components of the system are installed inside the yacht, no dry-docking or thru-hull penetrations required.


Ultrasonic Antifouling is…

  • Better Hull Performance: Maintain hull speed with faster passage times and greater manoeuvrability.
  • Reduce running costs: Save on Fuel costs and save on Service costs, less drag is less load on engines and appendages. A fouled hull can result in up to a 30% increase in fuel consumption…a significant factor for motor yachts!
  • Extend time before next dry-docking and re-coating: With the UltraSystem installed helping to maintain the hull speed and performance, the need to dry-
    dock and re-paint the hull where it has become fouled when using only an antifouling paint, is dramatically reduced.

Ultrasonic is Cost effective and Good for the Environment. A biocide and copper free solution…. no pollution to our oceans!